Sterling High Efficiency Central Chillers

The High Efficiency Central Chillers are remarkably energy efficient and can save processors up to 60% in electrical costs. The system continuously measures ambient and process conditions and will adjust to operate in the most efficient manner. Designed with electrical, mechanical and control redundancy,  along with predictive analysis, downtime is virtually eliminated.

The High Efficiency Central Chiller is available in single circuits from 20 to 60 tons and is designed with modularity in mind. Users can purchase a system to meet their current process cooling needs. Expansion is made easy by plugging similar capacity units in parallel for up to 600 tons of cooling. The chillers control off the temperature of the tank and can maintain between 20°F to 80°F (-7°C to 26.6°C).

Sterling High Efficiency Central Chillers


Mechanical Features

  • Hermetic tandem scroll compressors with crank case heaters.
  • Stainless steel, copper brazed plate evaporator.
  • Non-ferrous construction on chilled water piping side.
  • TS Tech™ Tool-less evaporator inlet strainer and evaporator back flush ports and strainer blow down valve.
  • Water-cooled models feature shell and tube condensers with electrically actuated cooling water regulating valves and inlet water temperature sensors.

Electrical Features

Single-point power and ground wire connections per circuit.

Refrigerant Features

  • Refrigerant suction and discharge pressure transducers.
  • Refrigerant suction and liquid line temperatures sensors for superheat and subcool readings.
  • Electronic expansion valve with sight glass and moisture indicator.
  • Encapsulated high discharge pressure safety switch with manual reset.
  • Removable core filter dryer.
  • Refrigerant discharge line, liquid line, and hot gas line service valves with Schrader access ports.

Controller Features

  • Enable or disable individual circuits or compressors.
  • Compressor hour tracking and staging to balance hours.
  • Compressor anti-cycle timer to prevent compressor short cycling.
  • High and low temperature warnings and faults.
  • High and low refrigerant suction and discharge warnings and faults to protect the compressor.